Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Mi Casa Su Casa

this is our house. this is where we eat. sleep. play. become beautiful. laugh. and love.  this is where kelsey kisses, jenna hangs out with forest, kylie hangs out with york and nicole flirts with the love interest of the week. we carved pumpkins because....tis the season.  kylie (22) and kelsey (20)  just celebrated their birthdays here on Center Street, being the first two birthdays ever celebrated at this address.....except all the creepy people that have lived here since it was built in 1895....woooooo, that is creepy.


g.lock said...

i can't believe what i've stumbled upon. you girls are crazy

Heather said...

CUTE CUTE CUTE house!!! I might come knocking on your door just to look inside. Is that okay?