Tuesday, November 27, 2007

When I Grow Up...

Jenna: I haven't declared a major yet BUT every job I want to do you have to be really talented at. For example.. art teacher, above i have posted my latest drawing, a self portrait. This is not a portrait of an 8 year old boy,but in face a portrait of the 20 year old women i am. next option, orchestra teacher (you wouldn't know why this is such a bad idea unless you've heard me play), or a spanish teacher (I don't even know how to speak Spanish). But like they say, those who cant do, teach.

Kelsey: I have no idea.

Nicole: How old exactly do you have to be to be considered a "Grown Up", i guess when people replace the question "what do you want to be when you grow up" with "so, what do you do?" thats when i'll be a grown up. Being the small, young. innocent child that i am, my goals for my adulthood are as follows: A professional Mother (my major is MFHD, an acronym for Marriage Family Home Development) there is no doubt that after graduation i will be a professional mother.



Heather said...

Hi girls! Cute blog!!! I miss seeing you around! I just blogged about Chels with some new pictures my mom sent me. You can check it out if you want.

charity said...

I thought it was marriage family and Human development. Have they changed that in the last 5 years?

Heather said...

P.S. I drove past that house (your house) last week not knowing who's it was and said to my husband, " Matt! Look how cute that lime green pumpkin is!". Who would've thought it was baby Chelsea's homegirls?

Jenna Robert said...


Stacie said...

You forgot me, I want my M.R.S. degree. Oh and I want to act. and dance.

And maybe work at Casa de Scion.

Stacie said...


perhaps some pics of Kelly's wall?

Anonymous said...

Hi! I found your blog from Amber Carman's and I just had to comment.....I lived in your very house for a year while I was in college like seven years ago! Ha Ha! I loved looking at the pictures of the house. So many memories!